we had a really sad day today. Mixa, a little boy from group 1 died today. He was the most special little bonobo, Brian's favourite. He was always laughing and happy. And he would run up and down the fence line wanting to play. he loved to splash around in the water. we don't really know what happened, we found him drowned in the lake. he might have fallen into the deep part, he might have been sick, we've been having the most terrible cold epidemic and the bonobos are taking it hard. it's emergency mode here, just tying to get from one day to the next ... all the staff are really sad. with mimi's baby, mimi, and now mixa.

then i got this message which really cheered me up ...
Dear Vanessa,
I don't know if you remember me,Marie? I am the 11-years-old girl who sponsor Masisi. Yesterday, I looked the news of Lola ya Bonobo on the Web site, and I read that Masisi was very healthy. I was so happy to learn those great news! Last month, at school, we had to prepare an oral presentation on a foundation or an organisme that we love. I did it on Lola ya Bonobo and I showed some pictures of Masisi to my friends.They fell in love with her. Every day, they ask me "How is Masisi? Is she growing up?"
I just wanted to have some news. If you want to answer me, please send your e-mail to boyoma1
at hotmail.com.
Thank you to take care of the cute little Masisi. Transmit her my greetings (can we say this in english?!),
Marie Haroon.