The bonobos are becoming quite the foragers in the forest!
Here's some of the fruit bonobos eat there. They love these red fruits, Tondolo! They find them in the forest too.
This blog has moved! www.bonobohandshake.com
It's a girl!
this is from Gladez, our UK volunteer:
Lukaya gave birth to a healthy little female on the 9th of January 2010! Second baby for Ekolo ya Bonobo, and first baby of this new year! "Motema ya Ekolo" (the heart of Ekolo)
Of course within days her head had already been plucked of all its beautiful little hairs and now it has spread to full body!!! But Lukaya is a great mum, letting her daughter suckle as much as she wants and in fact the first few times I saw her that was all she was doing!
The other bonobos are doing well, Etumbe and Lukaya stay close to one another. For walks in the forest the group had slowed down to Lukaya's new rhythm as she had to hold the baby with one hand when she walked, this led the trackers on very slow walks which basically where a large arch around the enclosure from morning to evening, but now the baby is nice and strong and holding on tight so the pace has picked up again! Little Nsomi (Etumbe's baby) is growing day by day, curious as to this new little friend. She is starting to eat the beya shoots, and particularly enjoys taking them from her mothers mouth.
Here are photos of Lukaya and Motema, as well as one of Nsomi, who is just too cute even though she has no hair!!!!
Blackbird wrote:
'I like bonobos as much as the next thing, but, why demonising chimps at the minimum opportunity? True, chimps occasionally kill other chimps, but this is not an everyday behaviour. Male chimps hunt, but then there is sharing between the hunters, and also meat is given to females. Chimps have also been observed to share tools for nut cracking. I find that the constant demonising of chimps does no good to this blog. It is like humans where referred as murderers constantly.'
It's true Blackbird - I am guilty of playing this up, and maybe I go overboard. I love chimpanzees. I worked with them before I even knew what a bonobo was, and just like us, they are capable of love, kindness, grief - and all the other 'higher' human emotions.
But what I get sick of, is people just knowing about bonobos for their sexual behavior. The point I'm trying to make (perhaps unsuccessfully) is that bonobos are so much more than a horny version of a chimpanzees. Because chimps, for all their good points, still share the darker side of ourselves. Bonobos, despite being as closely related to us, as chimps, have managed to find a way to live without war, murder, and infantacide. And that is what makes them so special, not penis fencing or g-g rubbing.
The other reason I keep harping on the potential of murderous violence in chimps is that PEOPLE IN THE USA STILL WANT TO BUY ONE AS A PET. Chimps, to most Americans, are the cute little 3 year olds dressed up in clothes on television, not the 200 pound adolescents who will happily tear your face off. I have worked with chimps for almost 10 years now, and I can tell you that there is a rage in them, especially in adolescent males, that is sometimes impossible for them to control.
This doesn't mean they aren't special, wonderful creatures worth saving - just other animals with predatory streaks, like tigers or lions. But this side of chimpanzees is so often ignored that I wanted to make sure people are aware of it.
But I've probably been leaning too heavily to one side, so I'll try to be more balanced in the future...
And just to prove it - here is Tatango (the bonobo) in a magnificent, angry charge!
I've been meaning to show this to you for a while, it's about a chimpanzee funeral in Sierra Leone:
I think it's funny that some researchers still question an animal's ability to experience true grief. Everyone who has a dog knows that animals are capable of great emotion, so for apes, who are so closely related to us, it shouldn't be too much of a surprise.
I remember seeing a bonobo die at Lola, it was Lipopo, and several of the other bonobos, inlcuding Mimi, clung to his dead body and refused to let go. Even when the vet turned up with a dart gun, which looks like a gun, right? Which was the last thing these orphans saw before their mothers were killed, they still wouldn't let the body go. I still cry every time I see the video.
And some people say that because humans are the only ones who cry tears, only we can feel true sorrow, true grief. If that's true, then it's us and crocodiles, because their eyes leak salt water too.