This blog has moved!

Please go to my new Psychology Today blog to see what I'm up to. To buy the book, Bonobo Handshake, please visit my website. To follow the adventures of the Lola ya Bonobo orphans, please visit Friends of Bonobos

Monday, January 19, 2009

happy birthday to christine!

just want to shout out to christine, one of lomela's adopted moms. she has a big birthday on tuesday, and i wanted to thank her for her support.

in fact, christine wrote the very first comment ever on the wildlife direct blog

'Oh my gosh, thank you so much for the news about Lomela… I know a number of us have been waiting with baited breath!! Seriously, this just made my day…I have her picture (the one of her eating the mango) as our computer wall paper at home…it just cracks me up everytime I see her…my husband loves her now too! And welcome to Kata..she already seems well on her way to good heath and bonobo happiness…and kudos to all who are helping nurse all these precious babies back to health and are working to educate the villagers!'

when kata was dying, it was christine and some of the other faithful followers who made me feel less alone, and there were people out there who cared. so thank you christine. lolo sends you a big birthday kiss