This blog has moved!

Please go to my new Psychology Today blog to see what I'm up to. To buy the book, Bonobo Handshake, please visit my website. To follow the adventures of the Lola ya Bonobo orphans, please visit Friends of Bonobos

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

thank you to everyone

Hi everyone, and hope your first 5 days of the new year have been wonderful!

I just wanted to say a special thank you to all our donors last year.

We raised over $30,000 through the Friends of Bonobos website, and over $6,400 from our Wildlife Direct Donors. As some of you know, we had a serious flu last year, where we lost quite a few bonobos, and at the same time, a donor pulled out, leaving us short for bonobo food - and it would have been so hard to make it, if it hadn't been for all of you.

So thank you all so much, for helping the bonobos! Bonobos don't have that many friends in the world, so we're just so grateful that you're all friends of bonobos.

Here's to a great 2010!
