Thank you to everyone who has donated to us for Christmas. This December we've raised $1500 - our biggest month of the year!
From everyone at Lola, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Especially in these times of economic turmoil, we know it's an especially tough Christmas. That people can still give to others, even in tough times, restores our faith in humanity, and gives us hope for the future.
To tell you all the truth, it's been tough for us to raise money in the US. Unlike almost any endangered species, not many people even know what a bonobo is, much less that they're our closest living relative and the most endangered ape in the world.
If you're a last minute shopper, like me, it's still not too late! give a donation or adopt one of our bonobos for you or someone else and you'll receive a certificate and our newsletter! www.friendsofbonbos.org/support.htm All donations are tax deductible!
So once again, thank you. I would especially like to thank the following people, who have giving generously this year. A special squeak for you all from the bonobos at Lola!
Sherri Schroeder
Yukishige Kawasaki
Neil Brooks
Ian & Stacey Donnelly
Gemma Ellis
Paul Gartland
Steven & Dora Gomez
Marie Haroon
Jennifer Jefferson
Lisa Recht
Nelly Schmücking
Edward Wobber
Christine Cichetti
Dorraine Job
Barnaby Ohrstrom
Maite Giraud
Jade Lee
Georgia Harley
John & Bretta Fox
Sara Gruen
Sarah Shimko
Theresa S
brigitta s
Maciej G
Annette R
Theresa S
Kevin C
Baerbel W