This is my pic of the day. It’s Semendwa and her baby Elikia. She’s having a sweet moment in the photo but don’t let it fool you. She is like Cleopatra, an alpha female since she was 2 years old.
About 3 minutes after I caught her looking so sweet and motherly in the photo, she ran after one of the juvenile males, Bolobo and bit him really hard. This is Bolobo screaming in the bushes.
This is Bolobo running and screaming through the bushes.
So Semendwa is beautiful but it doesn't mean she's nice.
It looks like the females start their domination plans early with the young males.
This is Mimi. She’s one of the oldest bonobos here at over 20 years old. Look how sweet and grandmotherly she looks.
But every night, she sits at the entrance to the night building and every time one of the poor little boys want to come inside to their warm straw bed, Mimi chases them back outside. Between Mimi and Semendwa, they both keep the young males from Bolobo sized, to Kikwit, who is as least as big as they are and twice as strong, sitting meekly outside for 30 minutes until Mimi and Semendwa decide they can come inside.
This is Bolobo hiding behind Kasongo, but let’s face it. If Semendwa decides to go for Bolobo, Kasongo isn’t going to do much about it.